A hard money loan is a sort of loan that is secured by a genuine real property. Hard money loans are viewed as advances “after all other options have run out” or short term bridge loans. Hard Money Commercial Construction Loans are mostly used in real estate transactions, with the loan specialist, for the most… Continue reading Different Types of Hard Money Loans
Month: March 2020
Everything You Need To Know About Gap Funding
When funding commercial real estate, acquisition or construction, there’s typically a requirement to inject cash into the deal. For instance, if you wish to renovate and sell a $5 million office building, your typical funding would require you to put up the cash. This type of loan usually ranges from 20% to 40% cash into… Continue reading Everything You Need To Know About Gap Funding
Transactional Funding: How Can It Be Applied To Startups?
If you are an investor or wholesale buyers specializing in real estate properties, REOs, and short sales, you may have a more difficult time securing loans from traditional lenders. Fortunately, there is an option for those looking for worthwhile opportunities in California’s diverse and vibrant real estate market – Transactional funding. What is Transactional Funding?… Continue reading Transactional Funding: How Can It Be Applied To Startups?